A Letter from Pastor Mark

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In Luke 24:47 Jesus told his disciples that repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem (NIV). This has been the mission of this ministry from the beginning. Our church understands the command that Jesus has given us to tell the world about what He has done for us, starting in our own city, to see His Kingdom Advance.

Jesus tell us in Matt. 6:33 to seek His Kingdom first and everything we need in life will be provided. We have titled this Capital Campaign Advancing the Kingdom because it is about more than just buying land and building a new building. We want to continually be able to facilitate and respond to what God is doing through this ministry to see His Kingdom Advance.

Our ministry space is currently too small for our ministry needs. We went from one service to three and are now looking at running a fourth service on the weekend to facilitate what God is doing. Our children’s space is maxed out, youth space on Friday nights is limited, Agape is full and on top of all that our parking lot is too small. We are having a hard time finding space to facilitate new ministries and new ministry needs.

I believe that for such a time as this God has positioned this ministry, and you alongside, to work together in a concerted effort to see his Kingdom advance in Calgary and around the world.

We need you to be part of this campaign by supporting it through prayer, encouragement and finances. It is not about equal giving, it is about equal involvement. As we work together we can all do something in each area to see the Kingdom of God advance.

Be Blessed, 

Pastor Mark Williams
Lead Pastor, BP Church

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