As we move forward to the land being fully developed and services we are excited about the opportunities that will open up to use for reaching North Calgary with the Gospel. Presently, our developer, Melcor, is moving dirt to install the utilities and should complete this by December. Our developer plans on having the roads and sidewalks installed in September 2025 and we will be able to begin to use the land for events. God has blessed us with the ability to raise $5,165,000.00 to this point. The tidal cost of the land will be just under seven million dollars. 

In September 2025, we will have to pay the remaining balance owed on the land once it is developed. Pray about what God would have you do over these next months. Some people have taken up the challenge of giving 2% more monthly to the land cost. Whatever God lays on your heart to do will be what we need to see this part of the vision accomplished. This will be completed as we work together to see the Kingdom of God advance in Calgary. As we move forward together in reaching 1% of North Calgary, I believe we are going to see God “do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Pastor Mark Williams

ATK Fund Update 2023

ATK Fund Update

In November 2018, we launched our Advancing the Kingdom Campaign. The capital campaign, part of ATK, was to raise funds for purchasing seven acres on Country Hills Blvd., just west of the Deerfoot. Our three-year capital campaign officially ended in December 2021. Thank you to Wale Gbalajobi and Ron Smith for co-chairing our Capital Campaign. Many of our congregation members have given sacrificially over the last few years in a time of great uncertainty. If you have taken part in giving and praying for our future, I want to thank you. We have had a few delays in the last few years but are back on track for the development of the land in the summer of 2023. The land cost is $6,475,000.00, and to date, we have $4,076,000.00 for the purchase of the land.

Pastor Mark Williams

ATK 2021 Year End Update

It’s hard to believe that December 31, 2021 marked the official end of our Advancing The Kingdom 3-year pledge campaign. What a journey it has been over the past three years!

First off, we would like to send a sincere THANK YOU for those of you who made a pledge three years ago and fulfilled that pledge! What a blessing it has been to watch the funds grow each month because of these honoured commitments to the church. Secondly, we want to thank those of you who didn’t make a pledge but gave anyway! Together, pledged and unpledged gifts to the ATK Campaign totalled $1,077,397.63 which helped us exceed our initial goal of $1,000,000! LET’S CELEBRATE CHURCH! Praise God for being with us in this campaign and working on our behalf in so many ways.

During COVID, fulfilling pledge commitments has been difficult for some of you. The pandemic has challenged us as well. Know that God is in all things, including our finances, so if you haven’t completed your pledge to date you still can. Do this by identifying “ATK” through our online giving or giving envelope found at church. Leslie from the church office is the only person who has access to the pledge list, so if you want to resume your pledge payments let her know by emailing…she will do the rest.

Even though we are finished this phase of our campaign, we still need to raise funds not only for the land, but for the bigger part of this project, the building itself. We know that God is with us as He has called us to build His church. As believers we must do what we can to advance His Kingdom. Please consider getting involved, or staying involved, in 2022 and beyond.

Here are some Advancing The Kingdom highlights from the past three years:

  • Three year pledge campaign, we have received a total of $793,773.53.

  • In non-pledged donations we received a total of $283,624.10.

  • Funds available for the land: $3,402,308.

  • Still needed for the property: $1,700,000.

  • Pastor Mark remains in contact with Melcor, and everything is coming together with city approvals, the final design plans for the area and the timeframe when dirt will be moved.

  • All the money we received from the East Campus sale and other donations for ATK remained invested throughout 2021. We have seen steady growth overall and are optimistic that these funds will continue to grow until we need to pay Melcor for the land.

  • At this point it appears that conventional financing will still be required for any remaining monies we will owe when taking possession of the land. We are trusting that God will provide those funds but are prudently preparing if/until He does.

Thank you again for being part of the ATK campaign. If you’re not involved and would like to be, please reach out to either of us for more information. We would be happy to share the vision with you and welcome your call or email at any time.

Thank you again for your support over the past three years and may God bless you and your family in 2022.

Ron Smith
Co-Chair | ATK Campaign

Wale Gbalajobi
Co-Chair | ATK Campaign

ATK 2019 Year End Update

It’s been a very busy year for the Advancing The Kingdom Campaign (ATK)! After a successful launch in November 2018, we began working behind the scenes to ensure that we could maintain the momentum over the next 3-5 years. Even though Pastor Mark has done a great job keeping us informed with what has been happening with the campaign through his sermons and letters to the congregation, we felt it would be a good idea to provide you with annual year-end updates so you could keep track of our progress.

Here are some of the highlights from 2019:

  • As a result of our kick-off banquet on November 8th and the generosity that followed, we have received $1,070,150 in pledges over the next three years.  We have also received money that was not pledged in the amount of $76,974 This gives use a total between cash and pledges of $1,147,124.  

  • The Total cost of the property is about 6.4 million.  After closing cost on the sale of east campus we had $2,250,000 to invest. We have placed the money into various investments in order to generate interest income for us while we wait for the next payment to Melcor. At this point we still need to raise $3,750,000 in order to have the property paid for before we start raising money for the building.

  • Some extra time/clarity was required by the City of Calgary from the land development, so Melcor has delayed our next payment date until the fall of 2020 or 2021. This means we can keep our money invested longer.

  • The BP Church board voted to use a small amount of the sale proceeds to enhance our current facility through a couple of capital improvements; our gym floor needs to be replaced and since the East Campus was primarily used for youth and children's activities, we told those departments we would put a good sports friendly floor in the gym. The board also voted to use the first three months interest earnings to purchase chairs for the sanctuary. This will allow us to retire our tired pews while at the same time creating a multi-use space in our sanctuary for outreach and ministry.

  • Please continue to pray that God will keep showering favour on us while we assemble the resources required to build His Church. If you would like to get involved in anyway, please reach out to either of us at any time. We would love to share the vision of this new site with you and welcome your calls or emails.

God bless you and may 2020 be a year of great joy and prosperity for you and your family. 

Ron Smith Wale Gbalajobi
Co-Chair Co-Chair
ATK Campaign ATK Campaign

ATK Giving Update | Fall 2019

To BP Church Partners

As a church we have had the privilege to be involved with something amazing God has been doing in our ministry. In the last 7 years we have seen God bring around 600 new people be part of our congregation. It is exciting to see people discovering God’s plan for their life. As a church when we see God doing something in our midst we have a responsibility to steward what He is doing.

In November 2018 we started a capital campaign called Advancing The Kingdom (ATK) to raise 6.4 million to buy land for our future so we could continue to steward the activity of God in our church. Our first goal is to raise $3,000,000.00. in three years. That is an aggressive goal but as we work together I believe is attainable. Since we have started we have raised $409,600.00. This has been a good start.

As we finish this year you will hear us talk about this a little more. We want to tell some of the stories of how God has been providing for people to fulfill their pledge. Some made a pledge based on faith that God would provide, and He has. We also want to let people that have come to our church over the last year, have the opportunity to partner with us in what God is doing.

We have sold our east campus for $2,350,000.00. After realtor, lawyer and other expenses we will have have about $2,250,000. that will be put into savings to gain interest until it is needed to close on the land.

I want to thank you for your sacrifice that you have been making to Advance The Kingdom of God. As we continue to be good stewards of everything God has put in our lives He will continue to increase the things He entrusts us with.

Here are some prayer points:

  • We would continue to reach new people with the Gospel

  • God would give us wisdom to steward what He has given us

  • That God would continue to provide for people to fulfill their pledge

  • New People in our congregation would catch the vision for ATK

Matthew 25:23 (NIV)

23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

Be Blessed,
Pastor Mark Williams , ATK Team and BP Church Board

ATK Giving Update

Happy New Year and thank you for your continued prayer and financial support during our campaign. To date we have $1,063,000 committed in pledges and have received $240,000.

Please continue to pray, along with our prayer team, that we maintain the momentum and eventual attainment of our goal.

Be blessed!
The ATK Communications Team

ATK UPDATE | December 10, 2018

The ATK banquet was held to a resounding success on the 20th of November. Congratulations and thanks to all the volunteers who worked tirelessly to make the event a success! To date we have $990,432 committed in pledges and have received $152,688.

We have set up a giving thermometer set up at the ATK booth in the main campus foyer to measure the progress of our campaign. Please stop by whenever you are at church to monitor our fundraising progress. There will be other activities planned to help sustain the drive so watch for details to come!

Please continue to pray, along with our prayer team, that we maintain the momentum and eventual attainment of our goal.

Stay tuned!
The ATK Communications Team