Advancing Ministry
Advancing Fellowship & Compassion
“It is without question that North Calgary is seeing unprecedented growth specifically in the Northeast. Communities such as Redstone, Cornerstone, Cityscape, Skyview Ranch, Country Hills and Harvest hills are of diverse ethnic make-up with families living in multi-generational households as well as extended families who want to live close together. For us to continue to grow and minister lasting impact we need to position ourselves to facilitate new people. The ministries I lead connect with Advancing the Kingdom by primarily ensuring that our
church community is covered in prayer through our prayer shield ministry; ensuring that the church community has adequate care and support groups and that we are strengthening the ministry to the various cultures within Agapé Language Centre.
Under the Pastoral Care ministry we will be able to offer more support groups addressing the hurts and challenges that people are facing.”
Noral Woodburn | Cross-Cultural & Agapé Pastor
Advancing Worship
“Worship at BP Church is all about being a worshipping church, not just a church that does worship. We believe that an encounter with God can change everything. It’s why we do what we do. We bring our very best musicians, singers, worship leaders, and technicians to each service to create a worship experience that points people to Jesus and only to Jesus.
We’re committed to leading people into a space to connect with and experience the living God we serve, both through worship and serving in partnership with the Heavens.
With the incoming exponential growth of our church we need to accommodate the growth we’re experiencing. This will allow for a bigger worship/tech team to facilitate the needs ahead of us and would also love to have the space to set up things like an equipment room, training rooms, recording rooms, and hospitality rooms.
As stated best by former Worship Pastors and leaders, ‘We’re here to lead people to Jesus -Advancing the Kingdom. That’s it. To use music to create a space and opportunity for people to encounter our King. A new building means more potential for more people’s lives to be changed.’.”
Ben McAlister | Worship & Arts Pastor
Sebastian Arroyave Moir | Worship & Arts Pastor/Communications
Advancing Women’s Ministry
“The Advancing the Kingdom vision is an exciting way for the Women’s Ministry (WM) to grow both numerically and spiritually. It is a great way for us to reach more women with a larger facility and spiritually because it gives us extra resources to reach more ladies. It also provides space for childcare so women can be free to participate in the WM ministry while their children are cared for.
Currently, our biggest challenge is parking and we are limited to the number of ‘in house’ small groups we can run due to classroom limitations.
With a new building, we will not have to end WM conferences early on Saturdays to make room for the worship team’s practice, we will have more parking, more room for conference breakout sessions and events will be only limited by our vision, rather than our facility dictating what kind of events we can host.”
Andrea Williams | Women’s Ministry Pastor